Thursday, July 11, 2013

OID-- OID 11g installation on Two Node IBM Cluster/Hacmp

Assuming all the minimum requirements are met, and installation platform is certified;

OID 11g installation process consists of the following steps;

  • Installation of Oracle Database.
  • Creating OID Application schemas using Rcu Utility.
  • Installation of Weblogic Server.
  • Installation of OID.

The version of OID that will be explained in this post; is " ". Anyways, Installation is pretty much the same for all OID 11.* versions..

This post was written in under the Cluster concept, that is why it is important to install and configure the stack based on the Cluster requirements..

Without any other clustering software like Weblogic clustering or Oracle Rac, Active/passive OID cluster can be build on top of  IBM HACMP Cluster..
The key point in here is the service ip used by the HACMP cluster nodes.. By using the service ip, applications and databases can run on all the nodes of the cluster in case of failover, without any problem , without any manual intervention..

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